Final update (probabbly, maybe :D)

Oook, so I have been away from this project for longer time. Life and family duties and etc.

But, I have finally addressed some key issues that you have noticed:
- initial game stutter/freezes
- level change game stutter/freezers

Apparently those stutters are related to the shaders that are being used in the game. Sooo, I have been looking and testing various solution for that issue. At the end I have settled with one common solution "display everything behind loading screen and let the shaders precalculate". I have been inspired by the video published by Blargis on the YouTube (recommended watch).

Another issue that I had was with "star trails".  During the transition from the level to another level, I wanted to have star trails like in Star Trek, warp travel. The effect is quite easy to implement just enable trails in GPUParticles2D. But it is not supported on web platform, so the game would freeze even more during the transition. I got a help on Godot Forum from a user lillycherry, and it worked like a charm.

Any plans for the future?
For now NO. I have to focus on other activities. There is a lot space for improvements, maybe I will return to this project later on... who knows.

What would I improve:
- adjust and fine-tune level difficulties (currently basis for it is set, but I did not have time to fine-tune it. I have 5 levels and 3 levels of difficulty per a level. But currently they are same level of difficulty for all levels).
- having meteors flying in from all directions
- having last level with a planet or city in the background (bottom) and penalize the player if meteors fall on it
- fire mode upgrades (now it is unlocked, just press 1 - 4, to switch between different fire modes)
- ship upgrades...

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67 days ago

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